apa maksud yalla beena? <- am, awak kena jawap :D heheheh...
Thursday, January 27, 2005
source : email
Hikam : "Sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang-orang yang beriman yaitu orang-orang yang khusyu dalam sholatnya dan orang-orang yang menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan dan perkataan yang tiada berguna" (Al-Quran: Surat Al-Mu`minun )
Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Ilmu yang pertama kali di angkat dari muka bumi ialah kekhusyuan". (HR. At-Tabrani )
Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam sholatnya benar-benar dijadikan keindahan dan terjadi komunikasi yang penuh kerinduan dan keakraban dengan Allah. Ruku, sujudnya panjang, terutama ketika sholat sendiri dimalam hari, terkadang sampai kakinya bengkak tapi bukannya berlebihan, karena ingin memberikan yang terbaik sebagai rasa syukur terhadap Tuhannya. Sholatnya tepat pada waktunya dan yang paling penting, sholatnya itu teraflikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Ciri-ciri orang-orang yang sholatnya khusyu:
1. Sangat menjaga waktunya, dia terpelihara dari perbuatan dan perkataan sia-sia apa lagi maksiat. Jadi orang-orang yang menyia-nyiakan waktu suka berbuat maksiat berarti sholatnya belum berkualitas atau belum khusyu.
2. Niatnya ikhlas, jarang kecewa terhadap pujian atau penghargaan,dipuji atau tidak dipuji, dicaci atau tidak dicaci sama saja.
3. Cinta kebersihan karena sebelum sholat, orang harus wudhu terlebih dahulu untuk mensucikan diri dari kotoran atau hadast.
4. Tertib dan disiplin, karena sholat sudah diatur waktunya.
5. Selalu tenang dan tuma`ninah, tuma`ninah merupakan kombinasi antara tenang dan konsentrasi.
6. Tawadhu dan rendah hati, tawadhu merupakan akhlaknya Rasulullah.
7. Tercegah dari perbuatan keji dan munkar, orang lain aman dari keburukan dan kejelekannya.
Orang yang sholatnya khusyu dan suka beramal baik tapi masih suka melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang oleh Allah, mudah-mudahan orang tersebut tidak hanya ritualnya saja yang dikerjakan tetapi ilmunya bertambah sehingga membangkitkan kesadaran dalam dirinya.
Jika kita merasa sholat kita sudah khusyu dan kita ingin menjaga dari keriaan yaitu dengan menambah pemahaman dan mengerti bacaan yang ada didalam sholat dan dalam beribadah jangan terhalang karena takut ria.
Inti dalam sholat yang khusyu yaitu akhlak menjadi baik, sebagaimana Rosulullah menerima perintah sholat dari Allah, agar menjadikan akhlak yang baik. Itulah ciri ibadah yang disukai Allah.
Hikam : "Sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang-orang yang beriman yaitu orang-orang yang khusyu dalam sholatnya dan orang-orang yang menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan dan perkataan yang tiada berguna" (Al-Quran: Surat Al-Mu`minun )
Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Ilmu yang pertama kali di angkat dari muka bumi ialah kekhusyuan". (HR. At-Tabrani )
Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam sholatnya benar-benar dijadikan keindahan dan terjadi komunikasi yang penuh kerinduan dan keakraban dengan Allah. Ruku, sujudnya panjang, terutama ketika sholat sendiri dimalam hari, terkadang sampai kakinya bengkak tapi bukannya berlebihan, karena ingin memberikan yang terbaik sebagai rasa syukur terhadap Tuhannya. Sholatnya tepat pada waktunya dan yang paling penting, sholatnya itu teraflikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Ciri-ciri orang-orang yang sholatnya khusyu:
1. Sangat menjaga waktunya, dia terpelihara dari perbuatan dan perkataan sia-sia apa lagi maksiat. Jadi orang-orang yang menyia-nyiakan waktu suka berbuat maksiat berarti sholatnya belum berkualitas atau belum khusyu.
2. Niatnya ikhlas, jarang kecewa terhadap pujian atau penghargaan,dipuji atau tidak dipuji, dicaci atau tidak dicaci sama saja.
3. Cinta kebersihan karena sebelum sholat, orang harus wudhu terlebih dahulu untuk mensucikan diri dari kotoran atau hadast.
4. Tertib dan disiplin, karena sholat sudah diatur waktunya.
5. Selalu tenang dan tuma`ninah, tuma`ninah merupakan kombinasi antara tenang dan konsentrasi.
6. Tawadhu dan rendah hati, tawadhu merupakan akhlaknya Rasulullah.
7. Tercegah dari perbuatan keji dan munkar, orang lain aman dari keburukan dan kejelekannya.
Orang yang sholatnya khusyu dan suka beramal baik tapi masih suka melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang oleh Allah, mudah-mudahan orang tersebut tidak hanya ritualnya saja yang dikerjakan tetapi ilmunya bertambah sehingga membangkitkan kesadaran dalam dirinya.
Jika kita merasa sholat kita sudah khusyu dan kita ingin menjaga dari keriaan yaitu dengan menambah pemahaman dan mengerti bacaan yang ada didalam sholat dan dalam beribadah jangan terhalang karena takut ria.
Inti dalam sholat yang khusyu yaitu akhlak menjadi baik, sebagaimana Rosulullah menerima perintah sholat dari Allah, agar menjadikan akhlak yang baik. Itulah ciri ibadah yang disukai Allah.
dengarlah lagu ni dalam 31 1/2 kali... mesti best... heheheh...
Menyingkap tirai hati mengintai keampunan
Di halaman subur rahmat-Mu Tuhan
Tiap jejak nan bertapak debu kejahilan
Akan kujirus dengan madu keimanan
Tak ternilai air mata dengan permata
Yang bisa memadamkan api neraka
Andai benar mengalir dari nasuha nurani
Takkan berpaling pada palsu duniawi
Destinasi cinta yang kucari
Sebenarnya terlalu hampir
Hanya Kabur kerana dosa
Di dalam hati..
Telah kuredah daerah cinta
Yang lahir dari wadah yang alpa
Tiada tenang kutemui
Hanya kecewa menyelubungi
Kugelintar segenap maya
Dambakan sebutir hakikat
Untukku semai menjadi sebutir makrifat
Moga dapatku berteduh direndang kasih-Mu
Namun ranjaunya tidak akan sunyi
Selagi denyut nadi belum berhenti
Durjana syaitan kan cuba menodai
Segumpal darah bernama hati
Lestarikan wadi kalbuku oh tuhanku
Leraikan aku dari pautan nafsu
Biarpun sukar bagiku melamar redha-Mu
Namun masihku mengharap ampunan-Mu
Wahai tuhanku...
wallahu a'lam...
dengarlah lagu ni dalam 31 1/2 kali... mesti best... heheheh...
Menyingkap tirai hati mengintai keampunan
Di halaman subur rahmat-Mu Tuhan
Tiap jejak nan bertapak debu kejahilan
Akan kujirus dengan madu keimanan
Tak ternilai air mata dengan permata
Yang bisa memadamkan api neraka
Andai benar mengalir dari nasuha nurani
Takkan berpaling pada palsu duniawi
Destinasi cinta yang kucari
Sebenarnya terlalu hampir
Hanya Kabur kerana dosa
Di dalam hati..
Telah kuredah daerah cinta
Yang lahir dari wadah yang alpa
Tiada tenang kutemui
Hanya kecewa menyelubungi
Kugelintar segenap maya
Dambakan sebutir hakikat
Untukku semai menjadi sebutir makrifat
Moga dapatku berteduh direndang kasih-Mu
Namun ranjaunya tidak akan sunyi
Selagi denyut nadi belum berhenti
Durjana syaitan kan cuba menodai
Segumpal darah bernama hati
Lestarikan wadi kalbuku oh tuhanku
Leraikan aku dari pautan nafsu
Biarpun sukar bagiku melamar redha-Mu
Namun masihku mengharap ampunan-Mu
Wahai tuhanku...
wallahu a'lam...
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Assalamualaikum / Hi...
I am updating my address book and it would be very helpful if you could click on the link below and enter your contact details for me:
update details for dwen
I am using a service that keeps contact details current, just update your own contact details and then the changes appear in selected friends' address books. When I update my contact details you will see them in your address book.
Thank you for helping.
Muanif Dwen...
I am updating my address book and it would be very helpful if you could click on the link below and enter your contact details for me:
update details for dwen
I am using a service that keeps contact details current, just update your own contact details and then the changes appear in selected friends' address books. When I update my contact details you will see them in your address book.
Thank you for helping.
Muanif Dwen...
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
as requested by az, ini dia lagu al-mu'allim by sami yusuf...
wallahu a'lam... semoga allah mengampunkan kita...
as requested by az, ini dia lagu al-mu'allim by sami yusuf...
wallahu a'lam... semoga allah mengampunkan kita...
alhamdulillah, aku masih diberi peluang utk menghirup udaraNya... beberapa hari yg lepas, umat islam seluruh dunia menyambut Hari Raya 'Idul Adha... sejauh manakah amalan yang kita lakukan pada hari kebesaran tersebut dan hari² tasyrik selepasnya? kita sahaja yg boleh menjawabnya...
atas permintaan, aku upload lagu² baru kumpulan Hijjaz dan Mestica... apa? tak pernah dengar nama kumpulan? takpe, ini bukan soalan kuiz pernah dengar ke tak, tapi just nak share di samping menghidupkan kembali budaya me'nasyid' di kalangan kita semua...
masa dekat U dulu, aku pernah dikenali sebagai 'tokey cetak rompak' lagu lagu mp3... tapi bagi aku, tujuan aku buat semua ni adalah utk share, di samping memberi peluang kepada sahabat yg lain, yg tak mampu nak keluar duit rm15.90 utk kaset, ataupun rm40++ utk cd (sorry, tak tahu harga cd sebab tak pernah beli cd) utk dengar lagu nasyid... mungkin ada kalangan kita mampu beli buku cerita, mampu beli minyak wangi body shop, mampu nak tukar handset sebulan sekali, mampu nak pergi makan prosperity burger McD, mampu beli kasut kulit baru dll... tapi tak mampu utk beli kaset nasyid... bukan kaset kuliah, tapi kaset nasyid... heheheh... sorry, minta maaf pada semua yg terasa... apa apa pun, hope you'll enjoy those songs...
aku hanya umar
al-quran kalamulullah
belaian ibu <- lagu nih aku suka...
berkorban demi cinta <- lagu nih pun best jugak!
debu-debu dosa
pemimpin yang adil <- lagu khas utk kerajaan malaysia...
penawar racun dunia <- aku pernah post lyric dia... cuba scroll kat bawah tu...
pesona cinta
ritma kehidupan
salli minni ya salam
arus ini <- lagu nih guna loghat kelantan, tapi macam tak jadik...
destinasi cinta <- lagu nih ok la, tapi slow sangat...
egois <- lagu nih aku lupa cane... ada pasal burung merak kot...
inayah <- lagu nih yg popular kat radio era
kemarau hati <- lagu nih ala² keroncong sikit...
kembali gemilang <- lagu nih aku tak ingat cane...
luqmanul hakim <- lagu nih ok la...
sendu sendawa <- burp, kenyang... heheh... lagu nih ok jugak...
siratunnabi <- aku ingat lagu raya siti nurhaliza, rupa² lagu nasyid... lagu yg aku paling suka dalam album nih...
yang abadi <- dengar je le... ok kot...
wallahu a'lam... selagi kita boleh berkongsi (bukan berkongsi kasih tau), kongsilah apa yg kita ada... semoga allah merahmati apa yg kita telah, sedang dan akan lakukan...
p/s: nak lagu apa? just jerit kat shoutbox sebelah tuh ok?
alhamdulillah, aku masih diberi peluang utk menghirup udaraNya... beberapa hari yg lepas, umat islam seluruh dunia menyambut Hari Raya 'Idul Adha... sejauh manakah amalan yang kita lakukan pada hari kebesaran tersebut dan hari² tasyrik selepasnya? kita sahaja yg boleh menjawabnya...
atas permintaan, aku upload lagu² baru kumpulan Hijjaz dan Mestica... apa? tak pernah dengar nama kumpulan? takpe, ini bukan soalan kuiz pernah dengar ke tak, tapi just nak share di samping menghidupkan kembali budaya me'nasyid' di kalangan kita semua...
masa dekat U dulu, aku pernah dikenali sebagai 'tokey cetak rompak' lagu lagu mp3... tapi bagi aku, tujuan aku buat semua ni adalah utk share, di samping memberi peluang kepada sahabat yg lain, yg tak mampu nak keluar duit rm15.90 utk kaset, ataupun rm40++ utk cd (sorry, tak tahu harga cd sebab tak pernah beli cd) utk dengar lagu nasyid... mungkin ada kalangan kita mampu beli buku cerita, mampu beli minyak wangi body shop, mampu nak tukar handset sebulan sekali, mampu nak pergi makan prosperity burger McD, mampu beli kasut kulit baru dll... tapi tak mampu utk beli kaset nasyid... bukan kaset kuliah, tapi kaset nasyid... heheheh... sorry, minta maaf pada semua yg terasa... apa apa pun, hope you'll enjoy those songs...
aku hanya umar
al-quran kalamulullah
belaian ibu <- lagu nih aku suka...
berkorban demi cinta <- lagu nih pun best jugak!
debu-debu dosa
pemimpin yang adil <- lagu khas utk kerajaan malaysia...
penawar racun dunia <- aku pernah post lyric dia... cuba scroll kat bawah tu...
pesona cinta
ritma kehidupan
salli minni ya salam
arus ini <- lagu nih guna loghat kelantan, tapi macam tak jadik...
destinasi cinta <- lagu nih ok la, tapi slow sangat...
egois <- lagu nih aku lupa cane... ada pasal burung merak kot...
inayah <- lagu nih yg popular kat radio era
kemarau hati <- lagu nih ala² keroncong sikit...
kembali gemilang <- lagu nih aku tak ingat cane...
luqmanul hakim <- lagu nih ok la...
sendu sendawa <- burp, kenyang... heheh... lagu nih ok jugak...
siratunnabi <- aku ingat lagu raya siti nurhaliza, rupa² lagu nasyid... lagu yg aku paling suka dalam album nih...
yang abadi <- dengar je le... ok kot...
wallahu a'lam... selagi kita boleh berkongsi (bukan berkongsi kasih tau), kongsilah apa yg kita ada... semoga allah merahmati apa yg kita telah, sedang dan akan lakukan...
p/s: nak lagu apa? just jerit kat shoutbox sebelah tuh ok?
Saturday, January 15, 2005
15012005 - 15011981 = 24
alhamdulillah, segala puji bagiMu kerana masih memberi peluang utk aku menghirup udaraMu, di kala aku leka dibuai kesenangan dunia... ya allah, Kau ampunkanlah aku dan Kau tetapkanlah pendirianku pada jalanMu...
hari nih genaplah 24 tahun sehari aku berada di bumi allah ini... selama 16 - 18 tahun aku hidup dalam keadaan 'boleh berfikir', masih sedikit rasanya yg aku fikirkan, terutamanya bab² mengenai kebesaran dan keesaan Allah...
tadi aku terfikir nak buat karangan 'aku sepasang kasut' kat blog nih, tapi tetiba rasa cam malas pulak... sat lagi nak tido rasanya, sebab esok aku ingat nak gi ofis, nak sambung buat preparation utk audit nih... minggu depan diorang masuk... macam biasa, aku (GL unit) kena jadi centre utk auditor tanya dan tanya dan tanya...
semalam dapat letter dari HR, extention of the contract... alhamdulillah, contract aku sambung lagi setahun... setahun je? takpe la, daripada tak sambung + kena cari kerja lain di waktu ramai graduates tengah 'ukur jalan' @ menganggur... apa yg pasti, tahun 2005 nih merupakan tahun clearance utk aku... clearance utk acct code nih... selama nih takde org yg nak tengok dan takecare pasal account code kat mmu nih, dan aku dah target beberapa acct code yg perlu aku zoom in... insya allah, selepas bank reconciliation utk collection acct aku settlekan, tahun 2005 akan diambil oleh kak sarimah under AR unit... baguslah tuh, harapnya kak sarimah dapat meneruskan perjuangan aku... berusahalah!!!
itu utk GL, utk financial system pulak, memandangkan ada beberapa masalah dgn team developer, aku terasa macam project pembaikpulihan finance module nih rasa macam tergendala la pulak... sejak bertukar pucuk pimpinan kat team developer, diorang mensasarkan utk men'convert' semua client server module kepada web-based module... bagi aku, financial module ni tak boleh dibuat web-based sepenuhnya, sebab dia memerlukan realtime punya process, whereas kalau web-based, utk save atau pergi pada next step (eg: approval after entry level etc), akan ada satu process lagi di mana kita kena buat process ini utk pergi ke next step... apa la aku cakap nih, aku pun tak faham...
tuh baru satu opinion... bg aku lagi, web-based nih tak berapa secured sangat... bila bercakap pasal dollar and cents, security kena power... taknak la nanti data yg ada kat situ dimanipulate atau ape² aje la yg boleh mengkacau data² yg melibatkan duit nih... bukan duit aku jek (gaji la tuh), tapi duit bebudak student yg bayar utk tuition fees dia, utk STF la, utk hostel fees la, dll lah yg melibatkan duit nih...
utk billing pulak, aku dalam process utk men'centralized'kan process tuition fees invoicing kat finance nih... before this, aku / billing unit / finance dah ambik alih billing utk undergraduates, IBDP, english program, dgn MBA... hari tuh masa meeting dgn prof chuah, dah agreed utk ambik alih master by research dgn MEng pulak... meeting dgn working level belum aku buat, nantilah... banyak benda yg nak disettlekan dulu... especially for audit requirement nih...
isk, bila baca balik post aku nih, rasa macam azam tahun 2005 pulak... tapi semuanya pasal kerja... kenapa? adakah aku nih workaholic? mungkin ye kot (kalau istilah ini sesuai utk keadaan aku sekarang)...
apa azam aku sebenarnya? jadi yg lebih baik dari semalam? itu memang impian semua manusia, tak kira islam atau tidak... mungkin boleh diselitkan (dengan izin) utk tidak menjadi lebih selfish dari yg lepas... selfish / pentingkan diri nih adalah satu perkataan yg subjective bg aku... bg aku, lain manusia, lain definitionnya bg selfish ni... fullstop, taknak komen lebih² sangat...
cinta? heheheh... ntah la... penat kot... cuma aku mengharapkan tindakan aku yg lepas, sedang atau akan aku ambil adalah tindakan yg digerakkan olehNya, bukan tindakan yg aku suka² nak ambil... ya allah, Kau ampunkanlah dosa² aku...
semoga allah merahmati segala apa yg kita lakukan...
wallahu a'lam...
alhamdulillah, segala puji bagiMu kerana masih memberi peluang utk aku menghirup udaraMu, di kala aku leka dibuai kesenangan dunia... ya allah, Kau ampunkanlah aku dan Kau tetapkanlah pendirianku pada jalanMu...
hari nih genaplah 24 tahun sehari aku berada di bumi allah ini... selama 16 - 18 tahun aku hidup dalam keadaan 'boleh berfikir', masih sedikit rasanya yg aku fikirkan, terutamanya bab² mengenai kebesaran dan keesaan Allah...
tadi aku terfikir nak buat karangan 'aku sepasang kasut' kat blog nih, tapi tetiba rasa cam malas pulak... sat lagi nak tido rasanya, sebab esok aku ingat nak gi ofis, nak sambung buat preparation utk audit nih... minggu depan diorang masuk... macam biasa, aku (GL unit) kena jadi centre utk auditor tanya dan tanya dan tanya...
semalam dapat letter dari HR, extention of the contract... alhamdulillah, contract aku sambung lagi setahun... setahun je? takpe la, daripada tak sambung + kena cari kerja lain di waktu ramai graduates tengah 'ukur jalan' @ menganggur... apa yg pasti, tahun 2005 nih merupakan tahun clearance utk aku... clearance utk acct code nih... selama nih takde org yg nak tengok dan takecare pasal account code kat mmu nih, dan aku dah target beberapa acct code yg perlu aku zoom in... insya allah, selepas bank reconciliation utk collection acct aku settlekan, tahun 2005 akan diambil oleh kak sarimah under AR unit... baguslah tuh, harapnya kak sarimah dapat meneruskan perjuangan aku... berusahalah!!!
itu utk GL, utk financial system pulak, memandangkan ada beberapa masalah dgn team developer, aku terasa macam project pembaikpulihan finance module nih rasa macam tergendala la pulak... sejak bertukar pucuk pimpinan kat team developer, diorang mensasarkan utk men'convert' semua client server module kepada web-based module... bagi aku, financial module ni tak boleh dibuat web-based sepenuhnya, sebab dia memerlukan realtime punya process, whereas kalau web-based, utk save atau pergi pada next step (eg: approval after entry level etc), akan ada satu process lagi di mana kita kena buat process ini utk pergi ke next step... apa la aku cakap nih, aku pun tak faham...
tuh baru satu opinion... bg aku lagi, web-based nih tak berapa secured sangat... bila bercakap pasal dollar and cents, security kena power... taknak la nanti data yg ada kat situ dimanipulate atau ape² aje la yg boleh mengkacau data² yg melibatkan duit nih... bukan duit aku jek (gaji la tuh), tapi duit bebudak student yg bayar utk tuition fees dia, utk STF la, utk hostel fees la, dll lah yg melibatkan duit nih...
utk billing pulak, aku dalam process utk men'centralized'kan process tuition fees invoicing kat finance nih... before this, aku / billing unit / finance dah ambik alih billing utk undergraduates, IBDP, english program, dgn MBA... hari tuh masa meeting dgn prof chuah, dah agreed utk ambik alih master by research dgn MEng pulak... meeting dgn working level belum aku buat, nantilah... banyak benda yg nak disettlekan dulu... especially for audit requirement nih...
isk, bila baca balik post aku nih, rasa macam azam tahun 2005 pulak... tapi semuanya pasal kerja... kenapa? adakah aku nih workaholic? mungkin ye kot (kalau istilah ini sesuai utk keadaan aku sekarang)...
apa azam aku sebenarnya? jadi yg lebih baik dari semalam? itu memang impian semua manusia, tak kira islam atau tidak... mungkin boleh diselitkan (dengan izin) utk tidak menjadi lebih selfish dari yg lepas... selfish / pentingkan diri nih adalah satu perkataan yg subjective bg aku... bg aku, lain manusia, lain definitionnya bg selfish ni... fullstop, taknak komen lebih² sangat...
cinta? heheheh... ntah la... penat kot... cuma aku mengharapkan tindakan aku yg lepas, sedang atau akan aku ambil adalah tindakan yg digerakkan olehNya, bukan tindakan yg aku suka² nak ambil... ya allah, Kau ampunkanlah dosa² aku...
semoga allah merahmati segala apa yg kita lakukan...
wallahu a'lam...
Thursday, January 13, 2005
nak jerit kat blog nih dah susah dah, takut ada org yg terasa 'dijerit'... cuma aku tensen bila aku kena buat keje org lain, pada masa memang aku tak sepatutnya tahu / buat keje tu... dah la kena buat keje org lain, pastu kena tolak pulak sana sini... semua nak main lepas tangan jek...
memang la aku jaga billing, tapi bila dah peringkat salah courses / equivalents tu, bukan part aku... billing unit ni bukannya tukang set courses, ataupun tukang register courses, tapi tukang generate invoices utk fees students... kenapa semua org taknak faham?
semoga allah mengampunkan dosa² aku...
nak jerit kat blog nih dah susah dah, takut ada org yg terasa 'dijerit'... cuma aku tensen bila aku kena buat keje org lain, pada masa memang aku tak sepatutnya tahu / buat keje tu... dah la kena buat keje org lain, pastu kena tolak pulak sana sini... semua nak main lepas tangan jek...
memang la aku jaga billing, tapi bila dah peringkat salah courses / equivalents tu, bukan part aku... billing unit ni bukannya tukang set courses, ataupun tukang register courses, tapi tukang generate invoices utk fees students... kenapa semua org taknak faham?
semoga allah mengampunkan dosa² aku...
Sunday, January 09, 2005
aku suka lagu nih...
ke dalam diri - HIJJAZ
Kusandarkan lelah
Di sayap malam merebahkan minda
Membius keharuman dunia
Nan bersleirat di relung jiwa
Kucuba lelapkan semua indera
Namun tak berdaya
Sejuta keresahan melanda
Tak membenarkan sepicing lena
Diriku bak cericau
Terpenjara di sangkar dosa
Daun pintunya sentiasa terbuka
Melunak kebebasan
Ya Rabbal Izzati
Kembalikan aku ke dalam diriku semula
Agar sempat untuk bersuara
Lafaz taubat nasuha
Ku bimbang seandainya tiada lagi buatku
Suatu hari menjelma bernama esok
Kuragui seandainya tidak sempat untukku
Menghirupi bayu walau sehela Cuma
Kuhanyutkan sisa
Dengan tadahan tangan penuh luka
Mengharap keredupan pawana
Langit akhirat terbentang megah
aku dah pernah letakkan lirik dia kat sinih, tapi sebab lirik dia memang meaningful, aku letak sekali lagi...
wallahu a'lam...
aku suka lagu nih...
ke dalam diri - HIJJAZ
Kusandarkan lelah
Di sayap malam merebahkan minda
Membius keharuman dunia
Nan bersleirat di relung jiwa
Kucuba lelapkan semua indera
Namun tak berdaya
Sejuta keresahan melanda
Tak membenarkan sepicing lena
Diriku bak cericau
Terpenjara di sangkar dosa
Daun pintunya sentiasa terbuka
Melunak kebebasan
Ya Rabbal Izzati
Kembalikan aku ke dalam diriku semula
Agar sempat untuk bersuara
Lafaz taubat nasuha
Ku bimbang seandainya tiada lagi buatku
Suatu hari menjelma bernama esok
Kuragui seandainya tidak sempat untukku
Menghirupi bayu walau sehela Cuma
Kuhanyutkan sisa
Dengan tadahan tangan penuh luka
Mengharap keredupan pawana
Langit akhirat terbentang megah
aku dah pernah letakkan lirik dia kat sinih, tapi sebab lirik dia memang meaningful, aku letak sekali lagi...
wallahu a'lam...
Saturday, January 08, 2005
cerita kat bawah nih adalah kisah benar dari senior sekolah aku (masa dia ada, aku tak masuk RMC lagi) yg selamat dari tragedi tsunami... quite long, tp bacalah... nak lagi best, cuba hayati apa yg dia faced masa tu...
Hi all,
I have been out of action for a few days after X'mas as we were in Phuket (Thailand) and had experienced the awesome Tsunami tidal waves and fortunately came out of it alive, bar some bad cuts and bruises on my body.
Preambles - My wife, Nozie and I had decided to take a short break from work taking advantage of the holidays to give our little daughter, Aaliyah a chance to savour a plane ride and the beach as she is into the age of curiosity having turned one year and five months a week before.
We decided to take the low budget room available on the island at Siam's Place at the Kamala Beach as the hotel is one of many along the beach right at the sea where gentle rolling waves lap the pristine sand a few feet from where we breakfast each morning. There was one hotel which we liked at Kata Beach sited a little way up on the hills but the room rates were prohibitive.
We discovered upon arriving at Phuket on the afternoon of the 23rd that the Kamala district is populated by mainly local Muslims, some 85% of them are Muslims and we were surprised to learn that 70% of the island of Phuket's population are Muslims. So, it wasn't surprising that the owner and chef at Siam's Place, named Siam and his family who runs the hotel are Muslims. We settled down pretty quickly and got into the routine of a swim in the sea, bathe, eat, then a swim again and play on the beach with our little daughter, bathe and eat once again.
On the 24th we hired an easy rider type motorcycle as no low budget Suzuki jeep was available and toured the beaches immediately south of Kamala at Patong and Karon. These beaches are the favourites of most Europeans and are very very busy. Thousands of deck chairs lined each of the 3 km of fine beaches at Patong and Karon. At Karon we took the opportunity to visit our American friend Tom Notaro who has lived on the island in the past 10 years. We also had an elephant ride up in the hills between the two beaches that day before returning for dinner at Siam's.
On X'mas day, we hired a Suzuki jeep to tour the island as I wanted to see Phromtep Cape at the southern tip of the island and do a little shopping at Phuket town. It was an eventful day as we saw the most beautiful view point from the cape and Aaliyah had encounters with seahawks and eagles at Phromtep. That night, even though tired, we took in what is billed as the greatest illusion/cultural extravaganza show in the east, at the Phuket Fantasea just 300 meters from our hotel. We cancelled our plans to visit Phi Phi island scheduled for the next day.
8.00am - Boxing day, the 26th Sunday of December, we woke up on this fateful day early and breakfast as usual just yards from the beach. After breakfast I went back to the room to crap and as it turned out I did a short stint that morning as opposed to my usual 15 minutes on the 'throne'.
When I headed out to the beach, Nozie and the locals were laughing and wondering in amazement why the water receded so far back and suddenly the sea was returning to us again...I immediately sensed someting was not right (even though I had never heard of Tsunamis then) and insisted that we go back to pack and be ready for any emergency. The locals were removing deck chairs from the advancing tides as we went back to the room with our daughter Aaliyah. I started packing in a hurry but I haven't been in the room 5 seconds and Nozie screamed from outside that the water was coming towards the room. I just grabbed the biggest bag we have and rushed out grabbing Nozie by the hand with her carrying Aaliyah acrossed the road. The water was roaring towards us and we scaled the back wall of the house acrossed the road and got over to the other side. A european mother screamed for help as she couldn't scale the wall with her little daughter in her arms. I shouted at Nozie to go, go, go and I turned around to help her. The wall held as I got her daughter over when the water was waist deep on the other side and she also scrampered over safely.
Across the former rice field which we ran is the Fantasea complex where we were the previous night. I left Nozie and Aaliyah on the main road outside Fantasea and told her I was going back to get the rucksack which our three passports were kept as well as my precious laptop...I really needed the laptop which hard-disk packed with 60 Gigabytes of precious data must by salvaged even though the laptop would be useless by now. Nozie begged me not to go but I did, which regretably, I realised later that she was so right.
I got back to our room along with scores of others tourists and many more locals. Some even started clearing and cleaning up the devastation that the tidal wave, which by now has receded, has left behind. I couldn't open my room door as the room was neck hign with water and outside was then calf deep. I decided to break the window to let some of the water out and the water in the room, of course, got down to below the window level and stayed there. With a few mighty heaves, I managed to forced gaps through the door to let more water out...this cost me a couple of precious minutes but eventually found the laptop and the passport bag lodged ib between a table and the tumbled over wardrobe. Just then I heard huge screams outside my room coming from every where. I bolted out and immediately saw a huge 20 feet (6 meters) wave upon me. I stubbornly clung-on to my passport bag with one land and the laptop with the other hand and kicked upwards. A beach umbrella dislodged my bag from my right shoulder and debris comprising tree trunks, motorbikes and timber planks were all around me travelling at speed towards the walls we scaled on the other side of the beach road. I decided to let go of the laptop as I needed both hands to protect my head and to swim upwards for air to stay alive. I decided that this has to be the day that I would die and I prayed to be allowed a postponement. Along with all the debris we reached the back walls of the houses across the road and I managed to stand up on a wall...I was going to jump for the roof of the house but decided against it as the walls next to me started to crumble from the force of the rushing water...I jumped to the otherside instead and decided to swim with the in-rushing sea and avoid being hit on my head by anything at any costs...I just used my arms and my legs to ward off all rushing debris while not struggling against the flow of the water and kept my head up above the water. The tidal wave was travelling around 15mph, I estimate and I was soon upon the vicinity where I left my beloved wife and daughter before I went back on this stupid mission. I glanced over where I left them but there was only water. I then saw a coconut tree about a hundred meters from where I was flowing towards with debris all around the tree...i aimed for that tree and managed to grab the debris around it and climbed up towards the trunck and clung on to it for dear life. I tried to climb up the trunk a few feet to see how difficult it is in case the swell of the waves, was it difficuly! I was utterly exhausted by then and realised I must let my muscles regenerate with more oxygen replenishment before I can summon more efforts. I rested for a minute as the rate of flow subsided and surveyed how the flow was reversing with the debris as I didn't want to be washed all the way back to the sea.
Another minute past and it was time to jump off my 'coconut tree island'...I did that and swam diagonally along with the backwash towards the external mainroad outside Fantasea where I left Nozie and Aaliyah. People were emerging again and that road was now only ankle deep with water. I stood on the exact spot where I left them and looked around for another whole minute...surveying for any clues that they might not have left in time, hope God no...please let me know they left this spot before the second tidal wave hit...there was no sign of the big bag we salvaged on our first escape, so this must be good news I said. I surveyed my injuries and saw a huge cut with some foreign body in the sole of my left foot and a bad cut across my right knee...both my legs, hands and shoulders suffered bad abrasions and wood burns...otherwise I can still walk and move around.
As the locals and tourists were dredging through the mud to look for their friends and relatives I couldn't help looking at every body they find...I enquired with the temporary first aid station at Fantasea if they saw a small lady in a blue teeshirt with a small baby and was told yes, the woman suffered fracture in one leg and was sent to the hospital at Patong but the baby was at their centre near the entrance. I trugged to the center but found the 'baby' was at least 3 years old and it wasn't Aaliyah...I went back into the former rice field and looked if she might be there, I went further up the road where the locals were helping the injured to the first aid centre and asked them, I called out "Nozie, Nozie..." a hundred times...but there was no Nozie.
I was bleeding badly but didn't feel any pain whatsoever...a Fantasea staff noticed my bad bleeding from the sole and insisted that I get first aid. He took me there on his bike and the doctor fixed my wound by pulling out a glass piece and wrapped up my foot after cleaning it. I decided to go up the hills to see if my family has gone there along with a huge number of others as the provincial government has insisted that every person MUST evacuate the low areas and move upwards as more aftershocks are comimg and would bring larger waves.
11.00am - By now it was 11 am as I glanced at the watch which I wear all the time. The first wave hit us at around 9.30am and the second probably about 10 minutes after. I took out the sim card from my mobile phone which of course no longer worked and looked for someone who would let me use their phone to call Kuala Lumpur, hoping that if my wife survived she would no doubt do the same with someone else's phone, except that she doesn't have her phone with her and most Thais in phuket don't subscribe to international dialing service. I asked the first person, an employee of Fantasea who is amongst the many from this entertainment resort that have turned out as volunteers helping all in relief work, he readily took his own sim card out and inserted mine in and I called Alex, my son, in Kuala Lumpur.
I got through on the second try even though the service were all jammed up, this has got to be a good sign...Alex said "Dad! you are OK!", I said, "Yah, thank God, did you hear? Did Nozie called?", he replied, "Yes, she and Aaliyah are saved and it's in the news.", I trembled, "Thank God, thank God...". Alex said she's up in the hills with many others and I told him where I was and that I was going to go up the hill to look for her and to please ask her which hill she's in and what location and if she can come down half way to meet me...
A couple of locals helped me up a motorbike and took me to the foothill of Kamala Puri (Mt. Kamala) and we dismounted and walked with the others up the hill...each time I struggled, they would lend their shoulders for me to foot was bleeding again and the dressing has soaked through with blood visibly dripping out. We got past about half a km uphill and I was exhausted and had to rest. These two good souls helped to change the dressing with a face towel after washing out the wound which has filled with earth and sand, gave me drinks and others who passed by offered food. I called out for Nozie every 20 meters or so and kept asking those who pass us to please locate her and inform her where I was...
We managed another half a km up after a brief rest and one said the top where most of the big groups are gathered are is not far...but I was completely drained and they say I shouldn't move any more...that I got to go to the hospital, I suggested that I would rest here and can they go upwards in each of the two hills, to look for her? They handed me over to some other Thais who looked after my wound washed and waited for medics to arrive and dressed my foot up again. I couldn't bear to look at my wound as it was 3 inches across and rather has turned dark brownish and black with the blood mixed with the mud and sand that didn't get out from the cleaning. The medics got to me and they had the same doctor who treated me the first time and he cleaned the wound the best he could and wow, it now hurts, badly hurts...which I supposed it's normal now that I had depleted all my adrenaline. The doc insisted I have to go down by another route to the otherside of Fantasea where there are transport waiting to evacuate those injured to hospitals in Thalang and Phuket town via a safe route around the hills. I resisted, but they were tough cookies and they wanted to manhandle me down...telling me that I could lose my foot (exaggerating, I was sure) if I didn't do as they said. I pleaded for one more call before I go...I used the phone of another Fantasea staff and called Alex. He told me that Nozie now knows about me being alive and she was going to go down to look for me half way down. Half an hour later no sign of Nozie and my foot bleeding just wouldn't stop and they were too concerned for my well being and hauled me downhill to their waiting van, constantly assuring me that she and my baby are safe and there's no need to worry...but you would all understand the natural need to reunite after such a harrowing and traumatic experience.
1.00pm - As we were driving to the Thalang hospital, I saw scores of pick-ups, vans and ambulances going our way...the bodies, alive or not laden apparently in the pick-ups and the roadsides had many tourists sitting dazed with locals attending to them. At the hospital, the emergency rooms were used for those victims which needed resuscitation and for serious cases like concussions and fractures. I was ushered to the left of the main entrance at the pharmacy waiting area, which had been converted into a treatment centre for less serious cases. It being a Sunday, we could see most of the medical staff were called back to duty...there were at least 6 doctors and 20 nursing staff on each side treating casualties. The turn for me to be attended to came pretty wound was properly washed and cleaned this time but the doctor ordered for a X'ray of my foot to see if any more foreign bodies are in it. The queue for X'ray was long and when my turn came, there were new arrivals that
needed urgent attention...children with broken arms, a swiss who lost his girlfriend and he was pretty bashed up on his face and eyes...I made way. Eventuall my turn came and everthing was OK for a stitch up job.
4.00pm - Wow, was the stitching painful, it was excruciatingly intolerable and I had to scream at least once to let it out of my system due to my thick skin on my sole and the huge concentration of nerve cells terminating in the surfaces of the soles and hands of homo-sapiens. The stitching seemed to take an eternity but was done eventually...and I yearn for my wife and daughter again. Called our communication centre (which is Alex) again and told him where I was and whether if Nozie calls again, she can come to the Thalang hospital. Got a pair of crutches, courtesy of the hospital got the anti-tetanus jab, antibiotics and pain killer and food and drinks also courtesy of the Thai government and hospital. I tell you, these Thais are fantastic people, they don't ask for anything...identification papers, personal details...they treat everyone without any more formality of your name to be given...locals and foreigners alike, they are treated by the staff of the hospital as if we are
their families.
7.00pm - Still no sign of Nozie. Oh well, I presumed, she may not have a safe route out of where she and the baby are...afterall more aftershocks keep coming. The hospital was sending all the foreign casualties to the 5-star Pacific International hotel at Thalang and I hopped onto the next bus at just past 7pm. We made the police report of lost items at the police station on the way to the hotel. After a shower and some rest, I called Alex again to check what's the status of Nozie, to which he said he has lost communications, probably due to handphones running out of batteries. Turned to the TV set which has BBC world wide service and stayed on this channel for the whole night. The damages and loss of human lives were immense as we all now know. Drifted in and out of sleep, feverish and chill alternatingly...woke up every now and then worrying about Nozie and Aaliyah mostly. Also wondered briefly about the US200 a night hotel bill (versus the US$25 a night which I pay in Siam's
Place) that I had no money with me and when can we get the travel papers from malaysia's Consul General who has called me while at the Thalang hospital...
5.00am - It's now Monday, the 27th of December. I was jolted awake by the shrill of the telephone. "Your call sir," the operator said. It was Nozie!! She cried when she heared my voice...she's in Phuket town at the government office. She took a ride out at 4.00am with a Thai after staying all night at Mt. Naka (not Mt. Kamala). She was very well looked after by Lin, her masseus friend she befriended when we arrived. Lin and her husband helped her flee the second wave, snatched her from the road and in two motorcycles carring her, Aaliyah and the bag against her wishes fleeing from the second wave which Nozie saw crashing down onto where I was at Siam's Place - and they took her and Aaliyah half way up Mt. Kamala to where their house is...Nozie didn't think I could have survived that huge wave...stored the bag and collected food stuffs and other neccessities before going higher. They slept in the open air and Lin made fire to ward off the mosquitoes and the snakes. Aaliyah has slept
soundly without needing the mother's tits. They wouldn't let her travel till it was absolutely safe and now she's in Phuket town all the way south of Kamala while I'm north of Kamala halfway to the airport. She'll come to me immediately.
7.00am - After a bus journey and a motorcycle ride with baby Aaliyah and the huge bag, Nozie, Aaliyah and I were reunited. For the first time we really can feel that we are all alive and well bar a few bruises. Life is so fragile as shown by the 60,000 deaths and survive all this it must have a special meaning that my God, your God, the same God has sent to us.
Sign-Off - We like to thank the entire people of Phuket, the government of Thailand, the Thalang Hospital, the Pacific International Thalang who gave us a 50% discount to all charges, the Malaysian Consul General at Songkhla, Tuan Azizan Ismail who issued us the temporary certificate of identity so promptly at our hotel personally in Thalang on Monday, Siam's Place who treated us like their family, our dear friend Lin who helped my wife and baby child escape certain deaths, the Malaysian entrepreneur in Phuket Mr. Valentino Tan and his nephew/staff Mr. Yap Swee Hong who personally make our departure so comfortable...and may all of you who are destined to stay on in Phuket needing to pick up the pieces to start over again that God gives you strength.
Finally NO-THANKS to Air Asia who wouldn't allow us to use our return ticket without paying a surcharge/buying a new return ticket for not being able to travel for lack of travel documents and who didn't let us board the 7am flight which was delayed to 2pm while we checked in for our 1.30pm flight at 12 noon resulting us needing to stay on at the airport till our flight left at a very delayed time of 8pm (without periodical information so that passengers could find a hotel room nearby to rest) and whose offer of the use of a wheelchair at KLIA came with a demand of RM12 without any prior notice. This would be the last time I'll be travelling Air Asia and if any of you guys who need to make schedules stick better think of other airlines which are more compassionate.
If you had read all that above, I hope you will all value the lives that God gave us, lives which can so easily be snuffed out by the wrath of nature that He creates.
If you had just scrolled down to here, please give me a few more days to recoup (as without the adrenaline and the pain killers, every part of my body seem to hurt so badly now and my mind needs to regroup) not to mention the email addresses and database I need to reasemble in this desk top in my office to continue doing my work.
wallahu a'lam, semoga kita menambahkan rasa syukur kita kepadaNya...
cerita kat bawah nih adalah kisah benar dari senior sekolah aku (masa dia ada, aku tak masuk RMC lagi) yg selamat dari tragedi tsunami... quite long, tp bacalah... nak lagi best, cuba hayati apa yg dia faced masa tu...
Hi all,
I have been out of action for a few days after X'mas as we were in Phuket (Thailand) and had experienced the awesome Tsunami tidal waves and fortunately came out of it alive, bar some bad cuts and bruises on my body.
Preambles - My wife, Nozie and I had decided to take a short break from work taking advantage of the holidays to give our little daughter, Aaliyah a chance to savour a plane ride and the beach as she is into the age of curiosity having turned one year and five months a week before.
We decided to take the low budget room available on the island at Siam's Place at the Kamala Beach as the hotel is one of many along the beach right at the sea where gentle rolling waves lap the pristine sand a few feet from where we breakfast each morning. There was one hotel which we liked at Kata Beach sited a little way up on the hills but the room rates were prohibitive.
We discovered upon arriving at Phuket on the afternoon of the 23rd that the Kamala district is populated by mainly local Muslims, some 85% of them are Muslims and we were surprised to learn that 70% of the island of Phuket's population are Muslims. So, it wasn't surprising that the owner and chef at Siam's Place, named Siam and his family who runs the hotel are Muslims. We settled down pretty quickly and got into the routine of a swim in the sea, bathe, eat, then a swim again and play on the beach with our little daughter, bathe and eat once again.
On the 24th we hired an easy rider type motorcycle as no low budget Suzuki jeep was available and toured the beaches immediately south of Kamala at Patong and Karon. These beaches are the favourites of most Europeans and are very very busy. Thousands of deck chairs lined each of the 3 km of fine beaches at Patong and Karon. At Karon we took the opportunity to visit our American friend Tom Notaro who has lived on the island in the past 10 years. We also had an elephant ride up in the hills between the two beaches that day before returning for dinner at Siam's.
On X'mas day, we hired a Suzuki jeep to tour the island as I wanted to see Phromtep Cape at the southern tip of the island and do a little shopping at Phuket town. It was an eventful day as we saw the most beautiful view point from the cape and Aaliyah had encounters with seahawks and eagles at Phromtep. That night, even though tired, we took in what is billed as the greatest illusion/cultural extravaganza show in the east, at the Phuket Fantasea just 300 meters from our hotel. We cancelled our plans to visit Phi Phi island scheduled for the next day.
8.00am - Boxing day, the 26th Sunday of December, we woke up on this fateful day early and breakfast as usual just yards from the beach. After breakfast I went back to the room to crap and as it turned out I did a short stint that morning as opposed to my usual 15 minutes on the 'throne'.
When I headed out to the beach, Nozie and the locals were laughing and wondering in amazement why the water receded so far back and suddenly the sea was returning to us again...I immediately sensed someting was not right (even though I had never heard of Tsunamis then) and insisted that we go back to pack and be ready for any emergency. The locals were removing deck chairs from the advancing tides as we went back to the room with our daughter Aaliyah. I started packing in a hurry but I haven't been in the room 5 seconds and Nozie screamed from outside that the water was coming towards the room. I just grabbed the biggest bag we have and rushed out grabbing Nozie by the hand with her carrying Aaliyah acrossed the road. The water was roaring towards us and we scaled the back wall of the house acrossed the road and got over to the other side. A european mother screamed for help as she couldn't scale the wall with her little daughter in her arms. I shouted at Nozie to go, go, go and I turned around to help her. The wall held as I got her daughter over when the water was waist deep on the other side and she also scrampered over safely.
Across the former rice field which we ran is the Fantasea complex where we were the previous night. I left Nozie and Aaliyah on the main road outside Fantasea and told her I was going back to get the rucksack which our three passports were kept as well as my precious laptop...I really needed the laptop which hard-disk packed with 60 Gigabytes of precious data must by salvaged even though the laptop would be useless by now. Nozie begged me not to go but I did, which regretably, I realised later that she was so right.
I got back to our room along with scores of others tourists and many more locals. Some even started clearing and cleaning up the devastation that the tidal wave, which by now has receded, has left behind. I couldn't open my room door as the room was neck hign with water and outside was then calf deep. I decided to break the window to let some of the water out and the water in the room, of course, got down to below the window level and stayed there. With a few mighty heaves, I managed to forced gaps through the door to let more water out...this cost me a couple of precious minutes but eventually found the laptop and the passport bag lodged ib between a table and the tumbled over wardrobe. Just then I heard huge screams outside my room coming from every where. I bolted out and immediately saw a huge 20 feet (6 meters) wave upon me. I stubbornly clung-on to my passport bag with one land and the laptop with the other hand and kicked upwards. A beach umbrella dislodged my bag from my right shoulder and debris comprising tree trunks, motorbikes and timber planks were all around me travelling at speed towards the walls we scaled on the other side of the beach road. I decided to let go of the laptop as I needed both hands to protect my head and to swim upwards for air to stay alive. I decided that this has to be the day that I would die and I prayed to be allowed a postponement. Along with all the debris we reached the back walls of the houses across the road and I managed to stand up on a wall...I was going to jump for the roof of the house but decided against it as the walls next to me started to crumble from the force of the rushing water...I jumped to the otherside instead and decided to swim with the in-rushing sea and avoid being hit on my head by anything at any costs...I just used my arms and my legs to ward off all rushing debris while not struggling against the flow of the water and kept my head up above the water. The tidal wave was travelling around 15mph, I estimate and I was soon upon the vicinity where I left my beloved wife and daughter before I went back on this stupid mission. I glanced over where I left them but there was only water. I then saw a coconut tree about a hundred meters from where I was flowing towards with debris all around the tree...i aimed for that tree and managed to grab the debris around it and climbed up towards the trunck and clung on to it for dear life. I tried to climb up the trunk a few feet to see how difficult it is in case the swell of the waves, was it difficuly! I was utterly exhausted by then and realised I must let my muscles regenerate with more oxygen replenishment before I can summon more efforts. I rested for a minute as the rate of flow subsided and surveyed how the flow was reversing with the debris as I didn't want to be washed all the way back to the sea.
Another minute past and it was time to jump off my 'coconut tree island'...I did that and swam diagonally along with the backwash towards the external mainroad outside Fantasea where I left Nozie and Aaliyah. People were emerging again and that road was now only ankle deep with water. I stood on the exact spot where I left them and looked around for another whole minute...surveying for any clues that they might not have left in time, hope God no...please let me know they left this spot before the second tidal wave hit...there was no sign of the big bag we salvaged on our first escape, so this must be good news I said. I surveyed my injuries and saw a huge cut with some foreign body in the sole of my left foot and a bad cut across my right knee...both my legs, hands and shoulders suffered bad abrasions and wood burns...otherwise I can still walk and move around.
As the locals and tourists were dredging through the mud to look for their friends and relatives I couldn't help looking at every body they find...I enquired with the temporary first aid station at Fantasea if they saw a small lady in a blue teeshirt with a small baby and was told yes, the woman suffered fracture in one leg and was sent to the hospital at Patong but the baby was at their centre near the entrance. I trugged to the center but found the 'baby' was at least 3 years old and it wasn't Aaliyah...I went back into the former rice field and looked if she might be there, I went further up the road where the locals were helping the injured to the first aid centre and asked them, I called out "Nozie, Nozie..." a hundred times...but there was no Nozie.
I was bleeding badly but didn't feel any pain whatsoever...a Fantasea staff noticed my bad bleeding from the sole and insisted that I get first aid. He took me there on his bike and the doctor fixed my wound by pulling out a glass piece and wrapped up my foot after cleaning it. I decided to go up the hills to see if my family has gone there along with a huge number of others as the provincial government has insisted that every person MUST evacuate the low areas and move upwards as more aftershocks are comimg and would bring larger waves.
11.00am - By now it was 11 am as I glanced at the watch which I wear all the time. The first wave hit us at around 9.30am and the second probably about 10 minutes after. I took out the sim card from my mobile phone which of course no longer worked and looked for someone who would let me use their phone to call Kuala Lumpur, hoping that if my wife survived she would no doubt do the same with someone else's phone, except that she doesn't have her phone with her and most Thais in phuket don't subscribe to international dialing service. I asked the first person, an employee of Fantasea who is amongst the many from this entertainment resort that have turned out as volunteers helping all in relief work, he readily took his own sim card out and inserted mine in and I called Alex, my son, in Kuala Lumpur.
I got through on the second try even though the service were all jammed up, this has got to be a good sign...Alex said "Dad! you are OK!", I said, "Yah, thank God, did you hear? Did Nozie called?", he replied, "Yes, she and Aaliyah are saved and it's in the news.", I trembled, "Thank God, thank God...". Alex said she's up in the hills with many others and I told him where I was and that I was going to go up the hill to look for her and to please ask her which hill she's in and what location and if she can come down half way to meet me...
A couple of locals helped me up a motorbike and took me to the foothill of Kamala Puri (Mt. Kamala) and we dismounted and walked with the others up the hill...each time I struggled, they would lend their shoulders for me to foot was bleeding again and the dressing has soaked through with blood visibly dripping out. We got past about half a km uphill and I was exhausted and had to rest. These two good souls helped to change the dressing with a face towel after washing out the wound which has filled with earth and sand, gave me drinks and others who passed by offered food. I called out for Nozie every 20 meters or so and kept asking those who pass us to please locate her and inform her where I was...
We managed another half a km up after a brief rest and one said the top where most of the big groups are gathered are is not far...but I was completely drained and they say I shouldn't move any more...that I got to go to the hospital, I suggested that I would rest here and can they go upwards in each of the two hills, to look for her? They handed me over to some other Thais who looked after my wound washed and waited for medics to arrive and dressed my foot up again. I couldn't bear to look at my wound as it was 3 inches across and rather has turned dark brownish and black with the blood mixed with the mud and sand that didn't get out from the cleaning. The medics got to me and they had the same doctor who treated me the first time and he cleaned the wound the best he could and wow, it now hurts, badly hurts...which I supposed it's normal now that I had depleted all my adrenaline. The doc insisted I have to go down by another route to the otherside of Fantasea where there are transport waiting to evacuate those injured to hospitals in Thalang and Phuket town via a safe route around the hills. I resisted, but they were tough cookies and they wanted to manhandle me down...telling me that I could lose my foot (exaggerating, I was sure) if I didn't do as they said. I pleaded for one more call before I go...I used the phone of another Fantasea staff and called Alex. He told me that Nozie now knows about me being alive and she was going to go down to look for me half way down. Half an hour later no sign of Nozie and my foot bleeding just wouldn't stop and they were too concerned for my well being and hauled me downhill to their waiting van, constantly assuring me that she and my baby are safe and there's no need to worry...but you would all understand the natural need to reunite after such a harrowing and traumatic experience.
1.00pm - As we were driving to the Thalang hospital, I saw scores of pick-ups, vans and ambulances going our way...the bodies, alive or not laden apparently in the pick-ups and the roadsides had many tourists sitting dazed with locals attending to them. At the hospital, the emergency rooms were used for those victims which needed resuscitation and for serious cases like concussions and fractures. I was ushered to the left of the main entrance at the pharmacy waiting area, which had been converted into a treatment centre for less serious cases. It being a Sunday, we could see most of the medical staff were called back to duty...there were at least 6 doctors and 20 nursing staff on each side treating casualties. The turn for me to be attended to came pretty wound was properly washed and cleaned this time but the doctor ordered for a X'ray of my foot to see if any more foreign bodies are in it. The queue for X'ray was long and when my turn came, there were new arrivals that
needed urgent attention...children with broken arms, a swiss who lost his girlfriend and he was pretty bashed up on his face and eyes...I made way. Eventuall my turn came and everthing was OK for a stitch up job.
4.00pm - Wow, was the stitching painful, it was excruciatingly intolerable and I had to scream at least once to let it out of my system due to my thick skin on my sole and the huge concentration of nerve cells terminating in the surfaces of the soles and hands of homo-sapiens. The stitching seemed to take an eternity but was done eventually...and I yearn for my wife and daughter again. Called our communication centre (which is Alex) again and told him where I was and whether if Nozie calls again, she can come to the Thalang hospital. Got a pair of crutches, courtesy of the hospital got the anti-tetanus jab, antibiotics and pain killer and food and drinks also courtesy of the Thai government and hospital. I tell you, these Thais are fantastic people, they don't ask for anything...identification papers, personal details...they treat everyone without any more formality of your name to be given...locals and foreigners alike, they are treated by the staff of the hospital as if we are
their families.
7.00pm - Still no sign of Nozie. Oh well, I presumed, she may not have a safe route out of where she and the baby are...afterall more aftershocks keep coming. The hospital was sending all the foreign casualties to the 5-star Pacific International hotel at Thalang and I hopped onto the next bus at just past 7pm. We made the police report of lost items at the police station on the way to the hotel. After a shower and some rest, I called Alex again to check what's the status of Nozie, to which he said he has lost communications, probably due to handphones running out of batteries. Turned to the TV set which has BBC world wide service and stayed on this channel for the whole night. The damages and loss of human lives were immense as we all now know. Drifted in and out of sleep, feverish and chill alternatingly...woke up every now and then worrying about Nozie and Aaliyah mostly. Also wondered briefly about the US200 a night hotel bill (versus the US$25 a night which I pay in Siam's
Place) that I had no money with me and when can we get the travel papers from malaysia's Consul General who has called me while at the Thalang hospital...
5.00am - It's now Monday, the 27th of December. I was jolted awake by the shrill of the telephone. "Your call sir," the operator said. It was Nozie!! She cried when she heared my voice...she's in Phuket town at the government office. She took a ride out at 4.00am with a Thai after staying all night at Mt. Naka (not Mt. Kamala). She was very well looked after by Lin, her masseus friend she befriended when we arrived. Lin and her husband helped her flee the second wave, snatched her from the road and in two motorcycles carring her, Aaliyah and the bag against her wishes fleeing from the second wave which Nozie saw crashing down onto where I was at Siam's Place - and they took her and Aaliyah half way up Mt. Kamala to where their house is...Nozie didn't think I could have survived that huge wave...stored the bag and collected food stuffs and other neccessities before going higher. They slept in the open air and Lin made fire to ward off the mosquitoes and the snakes. Aaliyah has slept
soundly without needing the mother's tits. They wouldn't let her travel till it was absolutely safe and now she's in Phuket town all the way south of Kamala while I'm north of Kamala halfway to the airport. She'll come to me immediately.
7.00am - After a bus journey and a motorcycle ride with baby Aaliyah and the huge bag, Nozie, Aaliyah and I were reunited. For the first time we really can feel that we are all alive and well bar a few bruises. Life is so fragile as shown by the 60,000 deaths and survive all this it must have a special meaning that my God, your God, the same God has sent to us.
Sign-Off - We like to thank the entire people of Phuket, the government of Thailand, the Thalang Hospital, the Pacific International Thalang who gave us a 50% discount to all charges, the Malaysian Consul General at Songkhla, Tuan Azizan Ismail who issued us the temporary certificate of identity so promptly at our hotel personally in Thalang on Monday, Siam's Place who treated us like their family, our dear friend Lin who helped my wife and baby child escape certain deaths, the Malaysian entrepreneur in Phuket Mr. Valentino Tan and his nephew/staff Mr. Yap Swee Hong who personally make our departure so comfortable...and may all of you who are destined to stay on in Phuket needing to pick up the pieces to start over again that God gives you strength.
Finally NO-THANKS to Air Asia who wouldn't allow us to use our return ticket without paying a surcharge/buying a new return ticket for not being able to travel for lack of travel documents and who didn't let us board the 7am flight which was delayed to 2pm while we checked in for our 1.30pm flight at 12 noon resulting us needing to stay on at the airport till our flight left at a very delayed time of 8pm (without periodical information so that passengers could find a hotel room nearby to rest) and whose offer of the use of a wheelchair at KLIA came with a demand of RM12 without any prior notice. This would be the last time I'll be travelling Air Asia and if any of you guys who need to make schedules stick better think of other airlines which are more compassionate.
If you had read all that above, I hope you will all value the lives that God gave us, lives which can so easily be snuffed out by the wrath of nature that He creates.
If you had just scrolled down to here, please give me a few more days to recoup (as without the adrenaline and the pain killers, every part of my body seem to hurt so badly now and my mind needs to regroup) not to mention the email addresses and database I need to reasemble in this desk top in my office to continue doing my work.
wallahu a'lam, semoga kita menambahkan rasa syukur kita kepadaNya...
Thursday, January 06, 2005
last two month, i bought hijjaz's new album, titled 'damai'... when i heard it for the first time, i really frusted, because at that time, i felt that it is the worst album of hijjaz i ever bought... then after a month, and after i heard it for xxx times (banyak kali la tuh maknanye), i found that the album is quite nice, 'mendamaikan', etc (yang baik baik la)...
kat sinih aku nak share satu lagu dari album dia... lagu penawar racun dunia, lagu dari keratan 5... tengok la esok lusa tulat langkat ke, aku upload dia punya mp3 lak...
desiran bayu yang lembut damai di hati
kicauan burung di sana riang sekali
suara ombak menggamit detik naluri
gemilang kudrat illahi
di sini sana ternyata gema suara
tangisan sayu manusia mangsa manusia
terbuang budi terdorong desakan hati
saudara korban duniawi
manusia tiada aman dari kemelut ini
di dada terus bersarang sikap pentingkan diri
kuasa, harta dan nama hebat merasuk hati
kerugian sendiri
dunia umpama unta tua yang kehausan
semakin tiada tempat untuk kasih dan sayang
kerana sudah terpaut pada pesanan tuhan
terpesong tujuan
nafsu jadi raja merosak dunia
takkan datang sinar bahagia
moga jadi bukti bersama kembali
cahaya pada illahi
sedetik lalu saat pun silih berganti
takkan berulang sejarah masa yang pergi
usah dibuang di sini hanya sekali
mulakan diri sendiri
iman di dada amalan dengan bertaqwa
bantuan tuhan menjadi syarat berjaya
seiring jalan hargai nilai saudara
penawar racun dunia...
wallahu a'lam...
last two month, i bought hijjaz's new album, titled 'damai'... when i heard it for the first time, i really frusted, because at that time, i felt that it is the worst album of hijjaz i ever bought... then after a month, and after i heard it for xxx times (banyak kali la tuh maknanye), i found that the album is quite nice, 'mendamaikan', etc (yang baik baik la)...
kat sinih aku nak share satu lagu dari album dia... lagu penawar racun dunia, lagu dari keratan 5... tengok la esok lusa tulat langkat ke, aku upload dia punya mp3 lak...
desiran bayu yang lembut damai di hati
kicauan burung di sana riang sekali
suara ombak menggamit detik naluri
gemilang kudrat illahi
di sini sana ternyata gema suara
tangisan sayu manusia mangsa manusia
terbuang budi terdorong desakan hati
saudara korban duniawi
manusia tiada aman dari kemelut ini
di dada terus bersarang sikap pentingkan diri
kuasa, harta dan nama hebat merasuk hati
kerugian sendiri
dunia umpama unta tua yang kehausan
semakin tiada tempat untuk kasih dan sayang
kerana sudah terpaut pada pesanan tuhan
terpesong tujuan
nafsu jadi raja merosak dunia
takkan datang sinar bahagia
moga jadi bukti bersama kembali
cahaya pada illahi
sedetik lalu saat pun silih berganti
takkan berulang sejarah masa yang pergi
usah dibuang di sini hanya sekali
mulakan diri sendiri
iman di dada amalan dengan bertaqwa
bantuan tuhan menjadi syarat berjaya
seiring jalan hargai nilai saudara
penawar racun dunia...
wallahu a'lam...
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